Saturday 5 April 2014

Android Application That Makes Smartphone's Batteries Sustainable

Aplikasi BatteryGuru, memperpanjang masa hidup baterai smartphone (foto: Luthfi/Okezone)
Smartphones have many desirable large -capacity battery users . Large capacity battery is also useful to support a variety of mobile work , without the need to rely POWERBANK .

Dominic Susanto , Qualcomm Technical Account Manager in London , revealing , for vendors who rely on Qualcomm 's Snapdragon chipset , there is an exclusive application called BatteryGuru which can extend the battery life of smartphones .

"If seen , we are very dependent on the smartphone battery . Fact , the smartphone battery is not karu-known , very quickly runs out . Formerly, jamming one time charge for 3 days , but now one day be jamming charge 3 times . Were so many activities in the smartphone , "said Susanto .

He said , Qualcomm Snapdragon creating BatteryGuru can learn user activity while using the phone . He further explained , Snapdragon BatteryGuru can read user activity , which for example using WhatsApp , Facebook , BlackBerry Messenger ( BBM ) .

" But baseball all the applications that we often use . Application of this work , it will reduce the frequency of synchronization with Facebook , because it is rarely used , or it could be ( sync ) email , " he said .

So with this application , the amount of power used will be reduced as needed . This BatteryGuru will first observation , baseball is just the type of application , but also the location ( the user ) .

" With the data collected , the system will perform modeling applications , where power is used can be differentiated . This will greatly help in saving the battery , " he explained .

According to him , there are other battery-saving applications , but is passive and does not learn the details of the habit of smartphone users . " This application can further reduce battery consumption , " he added .

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