Wednesday 17 September 2014

Android Phone Tips: How to Save Your Android Battery

Android operating system is increasingly popular course, any Android phone owners grew older, probably including you. Google's operating system is present in many types and brands of portable devices such as Samsung, HTC, Sony, and many more.

One of the advantages is the android phone you can download a lot of applications that can be useful for our daily activities, pulling a variety of applications that connect directly to the internet at all times, so that we can receive emails or news memaca always updates every time.

However, excess android phone that is always connected to the Internet network is often the reason we are running out of battery power on android phone. Often we see our android phone battery drained when we are not too active wear. Is this happening to you abdroid phone? Here are some tricks to make your android phone battery saving.

1. Switch the Connection

Unstable 3G/H+ data signal that we catch android phone can make a phone we continue to work hard (battery drain) search for the best signal. To further conserve battery power when we should be in a HotSpot location, we turn off our cellular connection and connect android phone with WiFi available. Such as home, office or mall, whenever there Maacah alihkanlah WiFi network to WiFi internet, after all, generally with a WiFi connection is faster than the mobile, so that your android phone will need a shorter time to "load" when you are browsing or use applications that require internet connection.

2. Turn off WiFi and Bluetooth

It is often missed by the android phone users, ie turn off WiFi. When not require WiFi koneki we should turn off our WiFi connection. Because when WiFi android phone live then we will continue to actively seek the WiFi signal and it will make the battery drain on android phone. So also with the Bluetooth facility, facility for we can exchange this data should be turned off when we're not need it, yet did not bother to turn it is to scroll down on the home screen, tap the Bluetooth icon

3. Turn off GPS

GPS facility on android phone as we know it is very useful to find a way or we are lost, but the use of GPS is not too often, we do not get lost every day is not it? Then turn off the GPS facility of your android phone, and turn it on only when you need it. The trick is very simple, namely Scroll down on the home screen, tap the GPS icon

4. Turn Off Sync Features

Android phone lets you know the notification email, facebook and other applications in live, but if you're not too need such as when a holiday or journey then you should turn off this sync feature, but the consequences you will not receive such notifications. Do not worry, you tetep can see the latest update by going to the app you want to see updates.

5. Reduce Screen Brightness 

The beauty of android phone is the screen that gives you the real color nan menabjubkan especially if you like the Samsung Galaxy phone that already uses the latest Super AMOLED technology. However, the screen is great, including the biggest factor of your android phone battery was drained, so humble in dark conditions and slightly Rev Ruag when conditions are too bright.

6. Reduce Volume & Turn off Vibrate

Volume Manager phone, vibrate icon
To point this one may very commonly used on all phones, almost everyone knows that the vibration feature on phone can drain the battery, so you should turn off the vibration (vibrate) and reduce the volume to a more efficient battery.

7. Get Application Task Killer or Dr. Battery Saver

Advanced Task Killer - screenshot thumbnail 
Applications are available at the download center on the android phone now many are designed to improve performance and save battery life of your android phone. An example is the Task Killer or Dr. Battery Saver, both of these applications the same concept that is turning off apps that are running behind the unseen, with applications tertupu android phone of course you do not work too hard so that the battery can also be saved.

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