To be durable and display your gadget always perform well , then you need to find the right treatment at the touchscreen . Here are tips to watch:
1 . Keep away from sunlight
Although the development of existing touch screen with AMOLED technology is adaptive for outdoor conditions . But to maintain the durability of the screen , you should avoid your gadget from exposure to direct sunlight . Because it can damage the quality of the LCD screen .
2 . Voltage Unstable
Voltage is not stable , especially during the charging process clearly has a negative impact on electronic devices , so even with the gadget . When the voltage gradually electrical voltage is unstable , it will damage the quality of the LCD .
3 . Do not Saving Gadgets in Pockets Pants
For those of you who have not completed the touch screen gadget with a scratch-resistant coating , so avoid storing gadgets in his pockets, as this can cause the LCD screen will be scratched and damaged quickly .
4 . Use Anti- Scratch coating ( Screen Guard )
Screen guard is more popular as an accessory element , but its role is quite important to maintain the durability of the screen from scratches and the threat of exposure to sunlight. Screen guard now there are four types in the market , namely :
a. transparent
Anti -scratch this one made from ordinary plastic . So the price includes the selection of other types . This scratch-resistant also includes the most widely sold in the market . The advantages of this excellent anti -scratch if you use during the day , because the clear plastic layer so you pretty with relatively low brightness level only, so as to save battery .
b . anti- Glare
Anti -scratch anti-glare is pretty well used . Physically similar to a scratch-resistant transparent . However, anti-glare has many advantages that are able to protect them from scratches screen dust , fingerprints anti gemblung protect , and anti glare sun . Even some kind of anti-glare which is sold in the market has other advantages , namely anti- oil . So when you are on a call and come in contact with your face is oily . Screen on your gadget will not be any traces of oil that stick .
c . anti Spy
Anti- spy is scratch resistant which can only be viewed straight 90 degrees , while the people on the side we can not see . This scratch-resistant type also includes the best-selling in the market selling . The weakness of the anti- spy is we have to set the level kecerahaan on our gadgets as much as possible . If not do not expect you can see the display screen of your gadget . It will also result in wasteful batrai on your gadget .
d . Mirror
Anti -scratch type is almost similar to the anti- spy . The difference is scratch-resistant mirror has a silver base color . The advantages of this scratch-resistant in addition be used to avoid scratches on the screen , scratch-resistant glass is also capable of being . Anti-scratch mirror also has drawbacks , essentially due to the silver color . When the screen is scratched and reflected sunlight will result in less comfort gadgets display .
5 . Use Finger With Both
When operating the gadget should you use a finger , unless your smart device that is equipped with a stylus pen . Do not use nails or other sharp materials because it can damage the screen , just use the tip of a finger with reasonable pressure .
6 . Keep out of the Goods Containing Magnets
Keep your gadgets from a variety of objects that contain magnets such as television or radio . Radiation of magnets will make your smart device screen becomes insensitive again . So , avoid putting smartphones , tablets and smart devices at near devices that contain magnets .
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