Malware on Android more and more difficult to detect , let alone users are not careful on the security device . Fortunately there are a lot of app that is able to combat that .
How do I know if an Android device are attacked by malware ? Here are 5 signs have been plagued Android Malware :
1. Battery be Profuse
Users usually know smartphone battery capability . Malware usually can drain the battery more than usual because of the frequent appear many ads (ads ) . Usually the malware will be disguised as a commonly used application or hidden .
2. Call suddenly disconnected
Malware can affect a phone call . Calls were suddenly cut off because it can be used without an indication that we are infected with malware Android smartphone . If it were not for the bad quality of the operator , it could be malware being " overheard " conversations or suspicious activity .
3. Claims swell pulses or pulse quickly exhausted
Android devices are infected with malware in general will often send SMS to premium numbers such as REG and so on . Although only a few thousand dollars truncated pulses per month , then it could be time to sign up on a lot of premium numbers that we do not want .
4. Data usage increased sharply
Malware that steals data and sends it to the server can be detected from the use of data . Note the use of data each month , if there is a significant increase could be the cause of malware . It can also deplete our pulse .
5. Performance decreases
Depending on the hardware specifications of our android device , the malware can drain the device's capabilities for activities to read and send device data to a server continuously. As well as on a PC , it will feel slow when attacked by a virus or malware . Check the RAM usage or CPU can see the activity of malware .
How to overcome the virus that infected with malware
The Android version is often the target of malware attacks are , Gingerbread 2.3 , Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 and Jelly Bean 4.1 . Opportunities are infected with malware by 88 % for users of Android version above (data Bitdefender ) .
How to resolve Android malware has infected one of which was removing the malware application . Sometimes malware application has been removed , the effect is still felt . By doing a " Factory Reset " can certainly be wasted malware and performance like new again . But the data will also be deleted .
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