Based on the latest data released by Google , Jelly Bean Android increasingly powerful in the world . Currently , consisting of a Jelly Bean Android 4.1 , 4.2 , and 4.3 have been successfully merup approximately 54.5 % of all users with devices running the Android operating system . In fact , at the beginning of last November Jelly Bean is still struggling in the figure of 52.1 % only .
Gingerbread as one of the older versions of the Android operating system was not changed much , they are still quite bertaji in the world of Android , which stood at 24.1 % . This in itself seems because many devices are low-end stuck on Android Gingerbread . Further , followed by Ice Cream Sandwich ( ICS ) , which stood at 18.6 % , and an increasingly marginalized Froyo , which stood at only 1.6 % .
Interestingly , the latest version of Android 4.4 KitKat has begun to develop in the world of Android . Currently KitKat has earned about 1.1 % of all Android device users around the world . Interesting to see , how the development of KitKat penetration in the world of Android in the future .
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