But when you as a user is subscribed ( subscribe) a lot of channels , sometimes post information that is entered into the form of too much and makes it difficult to be filtered . It also has the potential to make you miss a post from that particular channel may be important to you .
To avoid this , the fuel channel features the option to make certain channels as favorites that will make you get a notification if there is a recent post from the favorite channel . Here's how:
1 . Open the BBM app , then tap on the icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen , select Channel .
2 . Click on the icon located in the middle of the dock that is in the area of the screen .
3 . Select the channel that wants to be a favorite , click and hold on the icon until the channel is the right choice on the screen . ( see picture )
4 . Click " Mark as Favorite " that selection of the icon image .
5 . Next , each time you add a favorite channel then the new post on the channel selection notification will appear with a red star symbol typical BlackBerry .
6 . In contrast to earlier notification which appears only on the choice and the updates will sink as the number of new postings from a variety of channels that have subscribed , now about post notification of your favorite channels are saved until you open it and can be seen on the menu Latest Activity .
This menu can be accessed by clicking on the icon located on the right ( picture globes ) on the dock that is in the area of the screen while accessing the fuel channel .
7 . If using BlackBerry OS , you can separate the updates of your favorite channels and not by selecting from the channel menu , then press the BlackBerry menu button . Next click on the filter subscription .
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